Winter Washroom Management
For many, businesses and landlords, winter is often the most challenging season and none more so than for those who are tasked with looking after built assets. Washrooms in particular face the most strain during colder and wetter months, with the increased incidence of cold and flu making them hot (or should that be cold?) beds for the spread germs and bacteria. Heavier rain, ice and dampness also create the perfect conditions for mould and other nasties to spread if facilities are not managed effectively.
It’s not just the spread of bacteria, however, that cause issues for washrooms during winter periods. Heavy rains also allow floors to become sodden trip hazards, and visitors’ footwear can bring in all kinds of debris from the road, especially rock salt that is used in the evenings to reduce the spread of ice on roads and pavements. Without careful maintenance of a washroom facility during winter, organisations can quickly find themselves with a damaged – and not to mention highly dangerous environment to contend with.
Increased humidity and standing water brought in during winter periods can also lead to unpleasant odours in the washroom. For businesses that are regularly bringing in clients and other important people to their offices, this kind of scenario can, as research shows, really put people off an organisation. As our blog on Air Fresheners discussed, it’s a first impression that can be incredibly difficult to change.
So, what can be done? Luckily, with the right knowledge and understanding all these winter challenges can be solved. Our previous blog on cold and flu season equips organisations with the knowledge they need to fight back against common viruses and bacteria found in bathroom environments (which typically peak during colder weather). Soap dispensers, sanitisers, correct cleaning chemicals, hand towels vs. paper towels – all this and more can be found in the first edition of the BLooprint which is due to be released mid-February.
As for reducing debris and standing water within the washroom environment, it’s often more than simply running a mop over the floor throughout the day. Some of the best equipped washrooms now have specially designed textile and non-textile matting placed at entrances and exits to keep foreign objects out of the bathroom, helping to reduce damage on the flooring and, most importantly, keep the environment more hygienic.
Finally, keeping a washroom smelling fresh and pleasant during winter need not be an added hassle. As our previous blog on air fresheners showed, there are now a range of air care options available to businesses at different price points that not only keep restrooms smelling fragrant but also help to elevate the standard of an organisation’s built assets.
The ‘BLooprint’ – our landmark document for effective washroom management – will show that washrooms are often considered the touchstone of a building, prefacing the entire building experience for visitors. FM ‘guru’ Martin Pickard, a self-confessed toilet obsessive, regards the washroom as the single place which indicates whether or not an organisation has its affairs in order. Of course, getting a washroom clean is one thing; putting a strategy in place, especially during winter months, is another. This is why we’ve created the BLooprint. It gives readers a handy reference for everything washroom management, allowing facilities to shine no matter the weather.
Look out for the 'BLooprint - Edition 1 The Facilities Manager's Guide To Effective Washroom Management.' Chat to one of our Wooshologists if you'd like to get your eyes on a copy today.
If you'd like more advice on best practice during the colder months and the management of your washroom facilities, speak to a Wooshologist on 0203 876 5616 or email